Savir Singh

Hi, I'm Savir!

I'm a Canadian high school student interested in computer science, engineering, and related concepts. Until April 2024, I was working as a student researcher and software engineering intern at the University of Waterloo. Prior to that, I worked as a backend engineer intern at American Inn Ozark.

In my free time, you will find me developing software, creating new technologies, participating in competitive programming competitions, doing math, or reading. My skillset includes C/C++, Python, Java, web development, SQL, Git, Docker, and Linux. For more information, please view my résumé.

I sometimes build custom web/desktop applications for individuals and companies. Please contact me at to get started with this.

This is my personal website. I use it to share my projects, public contact information, résumé, and blog posts with the world.

Some quick links that might be of interest to you are listed below:

My favourite image - an AI-generated artwork of an impossible design that initially appears to be plausible.

My Latest Posts

Introducing The Kindness Ripple - 3 Random Acts of Kindness Every Day

2 minute read

15 Fun Math Facts I've Collected

2 minute read